Basic chords & 12 Bar Blues
Purchase this product and get ahead of your introductory lesson.
12 Bar blues Challenge 4
This 12 bar blues challenge will encourage you to combine fret 5 and the fill on beat 4.
The fill on beat four can be either picked (down up down) or as a hammer-on.
12 Bar Bliues, challenge 3
Learning the 12 bar blues is a useful structure to learn and can be the foundation for songs in the future.
Learning the 12 bar blues will improve your dexterity co-ordination and rhythm.
12 Bar Blues variation 1 (basic)
For beginners, this is a challenge due to co-ordination and appreciation of developing both strength andstretching ability between fingers 1 & 3. There's a secondary challenge which is can you keep fingers 1 & 3 co-ordinated and ...
12 Bar Blues, challenge no 2
For this 12 Bar Blues challenge, you'll be including finger 4 on fret 5 for strings 5 and 4.
Chords for begnners DofE
To get started, download the PDF Chord Charts for beginner guitarists.